Free Christmas download from

the 2004 card

This download can be used to make your own Betsubetsu Christmas Card, just like the real one from

Control / Right / Alt / Shift click on the file below
to download it.

(the exact key presses required depends on your
operating system.)
File size and typical download time
DIY 2005 Card (JPEG: 1357 x 1005 pixels)  (100 kBytes: about 80 seconds @ 56 K modem)

To use the downloaded file to make the card:

1. Print the JPEG file onto white paper or thin white card, using a colour printer.

2. Fold the printout in two along the vertical line shown. (This will probably not be exactly in two - it depends on the paper size and the printer margins.)

 first fold

3. Fold the printout again along the horizontal line shown. (Again, this will not be exactly in two, since it depends on the paper size and the printer margins.)

 second fold

4. Trim the edges so that the front picture is centred. (A pair of scissors is fine, although a guillotine will give better results.)


5. Enjoy owning an exclusive original Betsubetsu 2005 card.



This file is supplied 'as is' and is not guaranteed or warrantied at all.

You use it at your own risk.

No support is available for the use of this file, or making the card.

This file, and the card it produces are copyrighted, and the file is provided here for non-profit personal use, and is limited to one card produced per download. For any commercial use, please contact us.


Archive of Christmas Cards from previous years.

2004: Fairies

2004 xmas card

2003: Fairies

2003 xmas card

2002: Fairies

2002xmas card

2001: Snowflake

2001xmas card

2000: The 21st Century

2000 xmas card

1999: Sanuta

1999 xmas

1998: Circles

1998 xmas card

1997: Japan

xmas card
1997 xmas card

1996: Anime

1996 xmas card
These cards are copyrighted, and the images are provided here for non-profit personal viewing. For any commercial use, please contact us.

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© Martin Russ 1996 - 2005